Welcome to the Studio Dedicated to your Vocal Being
There are no limits to the transformation of your Voice and your Self
How do you connect to yourself as a form of self-care? What changes do you want to make in your life and how are you going to make that change? There are emotions and needs that prevent us from transforming ourselves and changing our lives. Vocalising therapeutically helps you to express a whole range of feelings in a way that is personal, powerful and important to you. Accepting yourself with all that you bring, with all that you are, a path that leads to your authenticity.
Vocal Psycotherapy
An innovative psychotherapeutic model in the area of trauma
Vocal Psychotherapy is a model of psychotherapeutic music therapy developed by Dr Diane Austin.
Vocal Psychotherapy is the use of breath, natural sounds, vocal improvisation, song and dialogue within a therapist-client relationship in order to facilitate intrapsychic growth and interpersonal change.
In this approach we include the body as a vehicle of expression complementary to the voice for an integral approach to the Self.
Allows finding the authentic self through the expression of the client's truth, increasing his/her confidence in the use of the voice.
Allows the expression of a whole range of feelings in a personal, powerful and important way for the client.
Allows one to connect more with the body through the voice.
It allows you to develop deeper breathing and body awareness.
Vocalising therapeutically has neurobiological benefits that can help reduce anxiety and calm the body by regulating it, stimulating the vagus nerve and consequently the eardrum, bringing the body into a state of relaxation.
For those who desire a psychotherapeutic approach that privileges the voice and musicality, regardless of vocal or hearing abilities.
Musicoterapia Vocal
Musicoterapia para a mãe e o bebé antes e depois de nascer
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Music therapy for pregnant women aims to create a relationship between the mother-to-be and the baby to be born through the use of the voice, words and songs, particularly a welcome song dedicated to the baby.
Preparation for birth is also addressed through vocalisations that release the voice, promoting relaxation during contractions and labour.
Increased body awareness.
Provides physical and psychological well-being in pregnancy.
Allows the development of amplitude and flow in breathing.
Develops vocal vibration and resonance.
Promotes the sensory and affective relationship with the baby.
Promotes the use of vocalizations as a strategy to facilitate labour.
Promotes the use of the voice and parental singing before and after the baby is born.
Promotes a playful attitude and quality of life in pregnancy and preparation for parenthood.
Population: Pregnant women and pregnant couples (preferably from 20 weeks of gestation). The sessions can be done per couple, pregnant woman, or in group.
Vocal Psychopedagogy
A method born from the investigation between voice and movement
Vocal Psychopedagogy is the combination of different approaches that are part of my journey through movement, posture, breathing, singing, words, psychocorporality and Perceptive Psychopedagogy by Danis Bois.
Better posture and body awareness
Expansion, awareness and management of breathing
Savings on vocal effort
Easier spoken and sung vocal projection
Motivation and remobilization of the pleasure of singing and speaking
Discovery of vocal potential
Difference in voice quality
Each voice has a unique signature, belonging to each Being. It is a place of revelation of what is most inherent, most expressive and powerful in us.
Peter Hess® Sound Massage is used in health care, physiotherapy and psychotherapy, relaxation, pedagogy and activities with beings who have special needs. It is already used in Germany in hospitals.
A Sound Massage:
Offers a comprehensive range of natural, rich and harmonious sounds from the bowls.
It induces deep relaxation, the sound appealing to the original trust of the being, allowing him to let go.
It is a gentle massage that harmonises every cell of the body, creating an energetic flow, with a particular action on the water in our body.
It can promote health, improve body awareness and support the recognition and use of the being's resources.
It allows the positive influence of self-confidence and creativity.
It has a holistic approach that promotes harmony between body, mind and soul.
It offers an action directed to the central nervous system with impact at a neurological level.
As Sound Massage it creates an atmosphere of safety: stress, anxiety, worry and doubt, as well as all feelings that have a negative impact on our health, can be released. We become aware of our bodies and our needs. Recurring thoughts are put to rest and our being is given space to develop.
For those who want to experience the effects of a massage without manual touch and for those who want to feel the sound impact of the bowls on and around their body.
Peter Hess®Singing Bowl Massage
The Therapeutic Benefits of Sound
Body Psychotherapy
Biodynamic Massage Approach
Gerda Boyesen, creator of the Biodynamic approach, has determined six major applications of the principles of Biodynamic psychology. These are Biodynamic Psychology, Biodynamic Massage, psychosomatic treatments, "deep draining" as a psychopostural treatment, vegetotherapy and bodywork and work with the bio-field (electromagnetic field). The person is treated as a whole and not only as a symptom.
@ client gets in touch with their essential nature, known as "primary personality" in Biodynamic Psychology.
Where there were only symptoms, pain or contraction, isolation or fear, as the client's health is progressively restored, the tools used by the biodynamic therapist are adapted and changed as needed.
The aim is to support the client to enter fully into their biodynamic transformation process, and to feel fully supported in it.
As creativity is restored, the content of the sessions may also change. There may be drawing, painting, singing, writing, movement, expression, and joy as life energy, often still shy, is released.
Clients may, in their personal life, develop a new and intense interest in nutrition, develop different communication skills, end dysfunctional relationships, establish or revive satisfying relationships, and move forward or change direction in their career.
They may begin to experience synchronicities and spiritual aspects of life, and many develop an interest in natural remedies and the world of soul and spirit.
For those who feel the need for a psychotherapeutic approach involving manual touch.